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Covid Pandemic after Vaccination

It is not possible to say that we are still recovering from covid-19. In fact, there are weak indications that we will get rid of it completely in the near future. We see that people who are immune, whether through vaccination or getting sick, can still catch covid-19. But vaccines have softened the sharp corners of covid-19: on average, infections are now shorter, milder and less contagious. For people who are immune, the coronavirus no longer has the same meaning as it did last year.

Socially, we can say that our future looks bright. It is likely that the majority of people will experience covid-19 at some point in their lives. Most of them will not have the disease as badly as before. In the end, quiet and mild infections will make us feel less bad. In the process, we will gain this trust. The virus will spread more slowly and the spreads will be on a smaller scale.

Our bodies will recognize the virus more and more, and although it may not see it as a friend, it will no longer need to fight as hostile as before. For many people, the anxiety of the pandemic that dominates our psyche in 2020 will gradually disappear. In the near future, we will code covid as a normal part of our lives, like a cold or flu.