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What is a Saliva Test (Spucktest)?

It is a technology that has just begun to be used in the diagnosis of Covid-19. Saliva (saliva) tests are antigen tests, just like swab tests. Test materials, test procedure and result precision are exactly the same; saliva sample is used only in saliva tests.

The Saliva (saliva) test is a non-invasive (does not need to enter the body) method and patients can extract their own saliva into plastic sample cups. Unlike swab antigen tests, which have been used for a long time, saliva tests do not require an expert for sample collection.

It has the same sensitivity and usage characteristics as the swab antigen tests in normal use. The only sample is not a swab sample taken from the nose or throat. It is produced for people who are uncomfortable with sampling procedures taken from the nose and throat. It is sufficient to spit directly into the sample cup. Afterwards, the whole procedure in a normal antigen test is the same. They are very suitable tests especially for use in schools and places where children are gathered.

In the laboratory diagnostic field, various hormone tests have been tested with saliva samples for years: such as cortisol, estrogen, progesterone and androgen. Later, over time, it began to be used in the diagnosis of viral respiratory tract infections.

Saliva (saliva) tests are ideal for patients because they prevent the feeling of irritation (discomfort) created by the swab sticks used in the swab tests on the throat and nasal mucosa; and there is no need for an extra expert in its use. Thus, those who suspect the disease can perform this test in their private environment such as their home or office.
In this respect, saliva tests are revolutionary because they are easily applicable and accessible. It is one of the tests that people can easily apply in cases where they suspect or as a routine control. Therefore, it has started to be sold in pharmacies in Europe and America.

The tests that can be done at home will constitute the most important diagnostic pillar of the future. That's why the American Department of Health, Nutrition and Drugs (FDA) has started to approve saliva tests.

The covid-19 saliva tests applied in medical faculties by the central health institution NHS in England gave 99% bearish results when compared with the swab tests.

As more than half of the population is now vaccinated, asymptomatic (asymptomatic) cases in the community are increasing. Saliva tests are an essential tool for diagnosing and isolating these asymptomatic cases with regular screening.